Customer Testimonials

Jameson's Joy Memorial Fitness Park

"The ELEVATE Fitness Course appealed to us because of it’s unique design and the ability to challenge both kids and adults based on their strength level. I couldn’t be more pleased with the staff at Barrs Recreation for their guidance throughout the entire process, and ensuring that we were satisfied with the course after it was installed. Our course came to fruition through a partnership with a foundation that was formed after the founders lost their 9 year old son prematurely. Barrs Recreation went above and beyond what was expected by donating benches and a memorial sign that depicted a replica of his handwriting and the special partnership between the county and foundation. Barrs Recreation represents everything you’d want when searching for playground equipment, unique equipment that will attract customers and phenomenal customer service!”

Jared Mull
Transylvania County Parks & Rec Director

Middle Creek Elementary School

"Thank you so much for all your hard work on this project! First, we could not have done this without the help of Alisa and Burke. The generosity of grant and knowledge of the importance of play was invaluable to our planning process. As well, John's team played an important role from design to installation. Our PTA, Parents, Staff and especially, our students are grateful for such a fantastic, Burke structure to add to our playground and play on every day! It is absolutely beautiful and a great addition to our Middle Creek Elementary property."

Thanks again for all your help! With deepest gratitude,

Heather Lynch
MCES PTA President

City of Gastonia

“Barrs Recreation- a multitude of talent and professionalism. Customer service and the willingness to devote the time needed to complete a job on time is unmatched in the playground industry. John, Carolynne, Ashley and April go the extra mile for you and your city. It’s not just another sale to them- it’s delivering the best experience possible and becoming part of the Barrs Recreation Family!” – Cam Carpenter, City of Gastonia